Social Change

How do we become powerful social change agents in our communities?

Social change takes knowledge and skills along with a belief in the power of working together for a common purpose. Youth have played a critical role in many social movements working for justice and equity. This LLC explores social movements and change strategies through a lens of equity and justice to prepare students to collaborate for the public good. 

The Social Change LLC is for students who are interested in addressing social, political and economic injustices, and learning about how to become an active part of the solutions through community engagement. 


Students who participate in the Social Change LLC will:

  • Live together with 22 similarly interested students in Johnson-McFarlane Hall and have access to specially crafted events to learn and build community including retreats, speakers, dinners, and student-led events.

  • Learn together by enrolling in one 2-credit seminar for the Fall, Winter, and Springs quarters.

  • Build community together while receiving support from an LLC staff program coordinator who provides day to day and quarter to quarter co-curricular programming and support including retreats, dinners, speakers, and active learning excursions.

  • Learn from and work with the Cara DiEnno who is the Faculty Mentor for this LLC.


Social Change LLC Breakdown

Academic Connections:

  • Community Engagement for the Public Good Certificate
  • Community-engaged courses and signature work

DU Campus Partnerships:

Examples of Programming:

  • In-class field trips around Denver and DU's campus such as Botanical Gardens
  • Cultural experiences such as museum visits at Museo de las Americas
  • So All May Eat (SAME) Cafe Denver field trip for lunch and learn about the organization
  • Potlucks and other community builder opportunities 
  • In-class guest speakers from the community and DU alumni
  • Overnight and urban retreats to Colorado History Museum Trip
  • Cross department collaboration programs with Honors and Pioneer Leadership Program such as Relax Night 

Class Topics:

  • Fall quarter: Denver Urban Issues and Policy
  • Winter quarter: Community Organizing
  • Spring quarter: From Public Good Theory to Action

The three courses associated with the Social Change LLC can be applied to the Community Engagement for the Public Good Certificate through the Center for Community Engagement to advance Scholarship and Learning.

Photo of Kania, former Social Change LLC student

Student Spotlight

Kania Campbell

Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Major(s): Public Policy and History

Minor(s): Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

What is your favorite LLC memory? 

My favorite memory with the SJLLC was visiting Serene, my favorite restaurant right off campus. We had really fulfilling conversations over amazing food. It was a great way to end our year.

What else are you involved with on campus? 

I am Vice President of IGNITE, a chapter of a national organization working to diversify political positions for women. I am also Vice President of the Fashion and Sewing Club. I’m also a part of the DIVEST DU’s social media team. I work at the DU Center for Sustainability for their Marketing and Communications team as the Social Media Leader.

Why did you choose to apply to the Social Change LLC? 

I am very passionate about Social Justice and Legal Advocacy. I wanted to learn more about systemic issues in place. I also wanted to feel safe on campus as I wasn’t sure what to expect coming to DU. I thought that living with a group passionate about Social Justice was the best way to do that.

Ready to apply to Social Change?

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